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Picking a winnernew  (2017/10/29付 朝日ウィークリー 1ページ)   ★★★

Picking a winner" is a fun, double meaning title. "Picking" means choosing, so choosing a pumpkin is what the boy in the photo is doing. Also, when we take pumpkins from their vine, we say "picking the pumpkins" just like picking an apple, it's the same verb that we use for picking hanging fruits. Also, many think that pumpkins are only for Halloween, but they're not. We use pumpkins, especially the smaller ones, for Thanksgiving decorations, usually inside the house. Then after the Thanksgiving holiday in America (the last Thursday of November), pumpkins are usually thrown out and replaced with Christmas decorations. Lastly, here is a video link advertisement for the farm in the article. Please know that most pumpkin patch farms are not this big. I've never seen one this large! www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJTul35ZW1s

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Turning the page  (2017/3/12付 朝日ウィークリー 1ページ)   ★★★

卒業式シーズン 各地で別れと門出
This is a cover article about Fukushima's relocated students. I like this cover because it serves as a good reminder of how many changes the people affected by the Fukushima disaster have had to go through, and are still going through. I can't even begin to imagine the hardships of what they went through, and the memories that will forever live in their hearts. I, along with all of Japan, wish them the best of luck in the next chapter of their lives.

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No limits  (2016/9/25付 朝日ウィークリー 1ページ)   ★★★

The Rio Paralympics have a lot to teach us! It was great that they had many people watching the games. This was the first year that I actually watched some of the Paralympics and I was incredibly impressed! I saw new games, and incredibly talented people who have fought hard to overcome obstacles that most of us take for granted. I'm already looking forward to the 2020 Tokyo Paralympics!

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High five with Doraemon  (2016/9/4付 朝日ウィークリー 1ページ)   ★★★

Doraemon is not well known in America yet, but I'm sure that after the 2020 Tokyo Games closing ceremony presentation, the anime will increase in popularity. Not only in America, but everywhere! The title, "High five with Doraemon" is not only meaning that Doraemon deserves a "high touch" for a job well done, but also because it was five years ago that the Fujiko・F・Fujio Museum opened.

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Smashing!  (2016/8/21付 朝日ウィークリー 1ページ)   ★★★

錦織、ナダル破り銅 テニス日本勢、96年ぶりメダル
Did you watch the Olympics? They're finished now, but this Kei Nishokori cover page article gives you a great idea of just how they were. The title has a dual, or double meaning. "Smashing" can be used as something that is very popular, or successful. It's usually used in it's normal form, "smash." The other meaning refers to the tennis hit called a "smash," which is where you hit the ball downward towards the direction of your opponent. Great job so-so Japan in the 2016 summer Olympics!

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Thunder Bolt  (2016/7/24-31付 朝日ウィークリー 1ページ)   ★★★

ボルトに近づけ! ケンブリッジ飛鳥、リオへ
On the front cover is a Japanese runner, or sprinter, who has a mixed background. His father is Jamaican and mother Japanese, so we would say that he is "mixed." It's popular in Japan to say that he is "half," but we wouldn't call someone that in English. It sounds like the person isn't a whole person, like something is missing. Asuka Cambridge will be representing Japan at the Rio de Janeiro Olympics. I'm sure we'll all be wishing him the best of luck!

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Flying higher  (2016/7/17付 朝日ウィークリー 1ページ)   ★★★

This is a short cover article about the Japanese astronaut Takuya Onishi, who is now in the International Space Station. I think the reason that he became interested in space is interesting. He became obsessed with space in the second grade after watching the movie "Star Wars." I guess that's a pretty good reason, and he's now lucky enough to be fulfilling a childhood dream!

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Smile from‘year to year'  (2016/1/3-10付 朝日ウィークリー 1ページ)   ★★★

I've watched a rakugo performance before, and it was really interesting! Yet, this short cover article is about a bilingual rakugo performer. I think a foreigner performing rakugo is interesting. Plus, a bilingual performance sounds intriguing. I don't know much about rakugo, but I'd enjoy seeing this rakugo performer, Diane Kichijitsu. This cover story tells a little bit about her, and enough to start a conversation from.

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At the top of her game  (2015/12/27付 朝日ウィークリー 1ページ)   ★★★

惜しまれて 一時代を締めくくる
This cover page article is about Homare Sawa's retirement at the end of this season. She has done an amazing job for the Japanese National Women's Soccer Team! She has also done a great job motivating many females to follow and pursue their goals and dreams. I think she will be missed by many, but she will live long in their hearts.

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Happiness is a new movie  (2015/12/6付 朝日ウィークリー 1ページ)   ★★★

While I've never been a fan myself, Snoopy, Charlie Brown and the Peanuts comic strip have been a part of American culture as long as I can remember. Actually, they've been around for 65 years! This article is off the cover, so it's short, but good!

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Breaking new ground  (2015/11/29付 朝日ウィークリー 1ページ)   ★★★

The men's Japan national rugby team has become quite popular in such a short amount of time. I think it's great, but it also makes me a little sad that not many paid attention to them when they weren't winning. However, I understand. This worksheet is based off the cover of Asashi Weekly, so it's short, but packed with a lot of information. The title, "Breaking new ground" was written because he is experiencing a new time in his rugby career, or on "new ground," but also because he plays rugby on the ground, or field.

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Me,a star?Bah!  (2015/07/12付 朝日ウィークリー 1ページ)   ★★★

This worksheet is from the cover. That means it's short, but packed with information. This cover is about Shaun the Sheep, the international sheep who is in more countries than Mickey Mouse! It's interesting because the TV clips have no dialogue, only expressions which allow the viewer to understand the thoughts of Shaun. For English practice, I suppose it'd be interesting to write an English dialogue for one of the short clips. This article is also a good article to point out the differences in animal sounds for each culture. In English a sheep says, "Ba-a-ah (Bah)," while in Japanese a sheep says, "Me-e-e." There are many more examples like this! For example, a dog's sound is, "Mung" in Korea. It's really interesting!

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One for the girls  (2015/03/29付 朝日ウィークリー 1ページ)   ★★★

ミシェル夫人来日 女子教育の充実を呼びかける
I loved this cover picture! Two cultures brought together with a big hug. While hugs aren't as popular in Japan, its a great form of communication that doesn't need words. I also like what Mrs. Obama is promoting, women's education. According to UNESCO, 61 million elementary school-age boys and girls didn't go to school in 2010, and the website Dosomething.org says that 53% of those children are girls. That's too many, for both boys and girls. The students in Japan, and other rich countries, should feel lucky to be able to attend school.

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Honor due  (2014/11/16付 朝日ウィークリー 1ページ)   ★★★

This short cover article is about Hayao Miyazaki. I haven't watched many of his films, but the ones I have watched were very impressive! I agree that he deserves this lifetime achievement award from the U.S..

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Purrfect ending  (2014/05/25付 朝日ウィークリー 1ページ)   ★★★

震災で不明のネコ、生きていた 岩手県大船渡の飼い主と再会
This cover page article is short, but great! A touching story about a cat, its owners and the 3/11 Great East Japan Disaster. The title is also very interesting! In English, when a cat makes their throat noise, it's called a "purr." Mixing "purr" and "perfect" gives you this clever title.

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Monster message  (2014/05/18付 朝日ウィークリー 1ページ)   ★★★

新作ゴジラはハリウッドから 震災後描く 監督「原発問いかける」
This quick cover article is about the new movie "Godzilla." It's a short write up, but it has all the information you need. In this day and age of movies, I didn't really know how "Godzilla" would do. Although it seems to be doing better than expected in America already! Go Godzilla!

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Gaga over Miku  (2014/04/27付 朝日ウィークリー 1ページ)   ★★★

バーチャルシンガー 初音ミクがレディー・ガガのツアーに参加
This short article is from the front cover. Yes, it's short, but it has a lot of information in it! The title itself is interesting. "Gaga" means to be very interested or excited in something or someone. The title is combining this meaning, and Lady Gaga's name. Very clever! This article is a good example of two different cultures working together. Most people in America have no idea what a virtual singer is. So after the tour, who knows what new virtual singers may come from this!

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Perfect pitch  (2011/07/24付 朝日ウィークリー 1, 16ページ)   ★★★

女子ワールドカップの記事 ワークシートもあります。
Let’s give three cheers for Nadeshiko Japan’s stunning World Cup victory in women’s soccer. That was just the uplifting news people here needed after all these past months of misery...

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More goals to aim for  (2011/07/10付 朝日ウィークリー 1ページ)   ★★★

沢穂希選手の記事 ワークシートもあります。
Let’s give three cheers for Nadeshiko Japan’s stunning World Cup victory in women’s soccer. That was just the uplifting news people here needed after all these past months of misery...

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Star power for Japan  (2011/07/03付 朝日ウィークリー 1ページ)   ★★★

Lady Gaga の記事 ワークシートもあります。
高校2年時事英語の授業で使いました。まず、朝日ウィークリー「時事英単語帳 英字新聞の読み方」p.4〜13をを利用し英字新聞の読み方を教えたあと、この記事を使ってHeadlineとLeading Paragraphの5W1Hをとらせました。偶然にもその授業をとっている生徒たちが、文化祭でLady Gagaのこの記事に出ている曲にあわせて、素晴らしいダンスを披露し、優秀賞をとりました。

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Messi still the best  (2011/01/23付 朝日ウィークリー 1, 24ページ)   ★★★

桐原書店の「WHAT'S UP?2010-2011年版」という教科書にメッシ選手の話が載っていますので、この記事はその補助教材として使えそうです。

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No stopping Ichiro  (2010/10/03付 朝日ウィークリー 1, 6ページ)   ★★★

東京書籍のPower On English Iという教科書に松井秀喜選手の話が載っていますので、この記事はその関連教材としてとして使えそうです。

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